5th jul 2024


2 min read


a content-first portfolio website built in NuxtJS 3.

#nuxt-js #nuxt-js-content #typescript
Project Banner

This is the very website you are looking at. Don‘t worry I still made sure to include the little globe icon that opens this website in another tab just for your convenience. As an added bonus, it will also confuse anyone that opens the links in these pages before reading anything.

I created this website during the summer of ‘24. Inspired by the portfolio website of one of my friends, a mechanical engineer, who made a similar website with Word Press to showcase the many contraptions, machines, and fire arms he had managed to make in our school‘s maker space.

When I saw aforementioned website I did not only ask myself “how the fuck do you make a working rifle out of two steel blocks, a pipe, and a compressed CO₂ canister,” I also asked myself “why don‘t I have one of these?” I couldn‘t come up with a good answer to the second question. So I made one, and you‘re looking at it.

Much is revolutionary about this project, but since it is in a constant state of change. I don‘t want to say anything to avoid setting it‘s fate in stone (and because I am too lazy to update this post every time I do something). So I‘ll let you decide, take the wheel on this one, pick the features that you like and make up a story. I give you full creative freedom.